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Renu Dental Blog

A Healthy New Year’s Resolution with Your Dentist

February 1, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 9:40 pm
Woman smiling confidently

In the spirit of the new year, your dentist has an easy yet vital resolution you can make. Scheduling routine dental visits, at least twice a year, is one of the most beneficial steps you can take towards good oral health. With numerous studies piling up about the link between your oral and overall health, taking care of your smile in 2019 is a great way to help your body, too. Keep reading to learn why routine dental visits are important for the beauty and health of your pearly whites.


3 New Year Resolution Ideas for Your Oral Health from Your Dentist in Crookston

January 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 5:41 pm
woman smiling confetti

Happy New Year! It’s 2019—time to set goals for what you want to accomplish. What do you want to achieve this year? Do you want to improve your health? How about making a resolution to benefit your mouth? With these three resolution ideas, suggested by your dentist in Crookston, you can dramatically promote your oral health this year.


Here Are Some Tooth-Friendly Flu Season Tips from a Dentist

January 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 2:37 am
persons suffering from flu symptoms

Winter is upon us, with all the seasonal miseries it can sometimes bring. When your nose is stuffy, and your head is aching, it’s perfectly fine to take an over-the-counter cold reliever for your symptoms. But those same remedies may set you up for a toothache down the road unless you follow these flu season tips from a local dentist.


Visit Your Dentist Before Your Dental Insurance Expires

November 22, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — renudental @ 2:06 am

dentist appointment on calendar It is an exciting time of the year as you shop for the perfect gifts for your family and friends. Although you may be preoccupied with the festivities of the holidays, do not forget to visit your dentist. If you have dental insurance, your benefits are about to expire. While you may not think you have any left, less than 3% of Americans meet or exceed their annual coverage. If you do not use your remaining benefits now, you are missing the opportunity to get a healthy smile for reduced rates.

5 Halloween Dental Health Tips from Your Dentist!

October 25, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 10:27 pm

orange pumpkins assorted candyPumpkins, costumes and bags of candy – these are the thoughts that come to mind in regard to Halloween. When it comes to your oral health, though, the sugar present in the multitude of candy selections can lead to some serious problems. Thankfully, your local dentist has 5 simple tips to help you avoid any unwanted oral health issues. Find out what they are as you read on!


4 Myths About Dental Implants from An Expert Implant Dentist

September 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 1:05 pm

Dental implant.Do you have any missing teeth? Dental implants have quickly become one of the most popular replacement methods because of their look and function. Dental implants are metal posts that get placed in the jawbone, beneath the gums. They act as artificial tooth roots ready to be mounted with replacement teeth. Implants are one of the best options to complete smiles, but there are a lot of myths and false information out there about them. Keep reading to learn about myths surrounding dental implants and whether or not they’re true from an expert implant dentist.


Do Dental Implants Ever Need To Be Re-Done? Ask an Implant Dentist!

July 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 10:21 am

Dental implant in the lower jawIf you asked 1,000 dentists which option they would choose for either themselves or a loved one with missing teeth, there’s a good chance that all 1,000 of them would say dental implants. Of course, each patient is different and some have particular needs or goals that might make a different option better. But, for the most part, implants are the preferred choice because they’re the next best thing to your own teeth! But does that mean that they’re successful 100% of the time? And if they do occasionally fail, what can be done to fix them? Keep reading to find out!


The Truth About Carbonated & Sparkling Water Drinks

June 30, 2018

Sparkling water with raspberries and blueberriesSparkling water drinks are gaining in popularity as a low calorie, low carb, low sugar alternative to drinks like sodas. Even alcoholic beverages are now being made with carbonated water to offer health-conscious alternatives to other mixed drinks. In some cases, the latest “health” fad isn’t always great for your smile or your whole body health. While carbonation can cause beverages to increase in acidity, studies show that carbonated water may not be any worse for your teeth than regular water. In this post, we’ll discuss some important things to remember when choosing your carbonated water and how keeping up with regular at-home hygiene and preventive dentistry visits can help you keep your smile healthy.

What is Gum Disease and What Causes It? Your Dentist Weighs in

May 28, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 5:07 pm

open mouth showing gum diseaseWhen it comes to your oral health, there are a few things that you need to know to maintain a state of wellness. One of them is how to prevent and fight gum disease, one of the most prevalent conditions facing Americans. As you read on, your local dentist will educate you on the different phases of this condition and what can be done to restore your oral health.


Want to Save Money? Visit a “Dentist Near Me”!

April 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — renudental @ 5:34 pm

toothbrushes and moneyMany people operate under the misunderstanding that visiting a dentist twice a year is a waste of money. They may reason that they brush and floss their teeth, so there is no need for them to go in for a semiannual cleaning and checkup. Besides that, they may not want to pay for dental insurance, or perhaps they have insurance but don’t want to pay for the portion of their treatment that their policy doesn’t cover. But are these people really saving money? As your “dentist near me” explains, the answer is no.


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